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Wipe Out Credit Card Bills

Our Bellevue bankruptcy lawyers can help you eliminate your bills and keep your possessions.

Wipe out credit card bills with help from our Bellevue Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy lawyers in King County, WA.

Start over financially with help from our Bellevue bankruptcy attorneys.

Improve your credit score, eliminate your credit card debts, and get the fresh financial start you’re looking for. With a FREE initial case evaluation, you can ask our Bellevue bankruptcy lawyers your questions, and learn if you qualify.

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Our Bellevue credit card debt lawyers can help you file for bankruptcy in King County, WA.

Credit cards offer a convenient way to pay monthly bills, and most offer rewards for making purchases. The use of credit cards is ubiquitous to the point where many retailers seldom handle cash. If you have credit cards, you know how great they can be, but if you fall behind on your bill, it won’t be long before you start getting phone calls from the creditor.

Falling behind on credit card payments can happen to anyone. It most happens to people who have an extended illness or lose their job. This means that even the most responsible people can have financial difficulties that lead to unmanageable credit card debt. Once you fall behind, it may soon be impossible to cover the credit card’s monthly interest, which means you fall further into debt when you need relief most.

In as little as 120 days, your credit card company may sell the debt to a collection agency, and these companies will stop at nothing to get you to pay. They will call you at home, at work, and may even suggest you cash out your retirement to pay down the bill. Our Bellevue credit card debt lawyers can help you put a stop to this stress.

Don’t sacrifice your future because of credit card debt. Contact one of our Bellevue bankruptcy attorneys and find out if bankruptcy can help you get back on your feet with a fresh financial start.

Bankruptcy laws were created to help hard working people start over financially:

  • Credit card debt is entirely discharged when you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
  • When you file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you pay only the credit card debt you can afford, which may be nothing.
  • The second you file for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, credit card companies and collection agencies can no longer contact you in any way.
  • Wipe out credit card bills for good and get a fresh financial start with help from our King County bankruptcy lawyers.

There are all sorts of reasons why people fall behind on credit card payments, but it’s usually beyond their control. One of the biggest reasons is that credit card companies offer ridiculously high credit lines with interest rates that are through the roof, fully aware that a problem could arise if the debtor gets seriously ill or loses their job.

While they’re eager to give you a credit card, they are far less kind if you miss a payment or two. They often quickly sell the debt to a collection agency, who will mercilessly try to get money out of you by using fear tactics or trying to embarrass you. They may even suggest that you pay them with money from your retirement account, which would probably damage your finances far more than they already are. Fortunately, there is a better solution.

Collection agencies don’t want you to call Bellevue credit card debt lawyers, and they will say just about anything to prevent you from considering bankruptcy. Remember though, declaring bankruptcy does not make you a deadbeat or failure. In fact, it is often the best way to address financial troubles like a mature adult. Our King County bankruptcy lawyers can help you take the next step.

Bellevue, Washington and credit card debt.

If you live in Bellevue, you probably use a credit card to make many of your purchases. As one of the “best places to live in the country,” there are countless things to spend your money on. You can check out a few by following this helpful link to the city website.

 If you declare bankruptcy, your case will be handled in Western Washington’s bankruptcy court. This helpful video prepared by the federal government provides an excellent overview of this process and may answer some of your questions.

How a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help eliminate credit card debt.

When one of our Bellevue bankruptcy attorneys files for bankruptcy on your behalf, creditors and collection agencies can no longer contact you for any reason. Credit card debts are the last debts to be considered when you file for bankruptcy, so if you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you will likely owe nothing. If you file Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you pay only what you can afford, which may also be nothing.

If you’re seriously considering bankruptcy, stop using your credit cards immediately. Your attorney will also likely urge you to stop making any payments to keep more cash available for other purposes. If you take these steps, don’t wait too long to file for bankruptcy or your creditor could sue you in an effort to garnish your wages.

If you have questions about what happens in a garnishment lawsuit, please give us a call. One of our King County debt relief lawyers will be happy to explain the process, as well as how we can help once it’s been initiated.

Give our Bellevue bankruptcy attorneys a call for a free consultation.

Regardless of what creditors tell you, once your credit card debt is discharged, your credit will immediately start to improve. In fact, in most cases your credit rating will improve faster by declaring bankruptcy rather than settling the debt. For more information, contact our law office for a free consultation with our Bellevue bankruptcy lawyers and make credit debt a thing of the past.

(425) 953-4061

Bellevue Bankruptcy Attorney, Erin M. Lane

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Ever wonder what it would be like to never have to pay another credit card bill? If you qualify, we can make it happen. Call now for a free consultation with one of our Bellevue credit card debt lawyers.
Bellevue Bankruptcy Lawyers
(425) 953-4061
Bellevue Bankruptcy Lawyers
14205 SE 36th St
Bellevue, WA 98006

Bellevue bankruptcy attorneys serving Woodinville, Kirkland, Fall City, Redmond, Juanita, Kenmore, Mercer Island, Bellevue, Sammamish, Issaquah, North Bend, Carnation, and the entire Eastside of King County, WA.

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